Technical Rider

David Madison

It's actually fairly simple, but here we go..

Transportation / Housing

  • Must be provided, including airfare and transportation to/from classes and event. Reasonable (and close) public transportation is fine.
  • USA event transportation is from San Francisco (SFO or OAK).
  • For periods that David is already in Europe (about half the year), event transportation is either a round trip ticket in Europe, or, in some situations, a one-way ticket if you are able to find suitable housing for one week - contact us for more info.
  • For allergy reasons, feather bedding and pillows cannot be used.


  • Due to severe food allergies, preparing food for Dave is pretty much impossible, so we need access to either restaurants or simply a grocery store. If we are arriving after these are closed in your area, please let us know in advance.


    Workshop classes must be scheduled such that:
  • Blues Weekend: All dancers, regardless of experience, must take the foundation classes unless they have taken Blues Foundation classes specifically with us before.
  • Multiple Levels: If there are multiple levels of classes (beginning, intermediate, ...) and any dancers are taking classes in multiple levels then they should be prepared for some repeating of material. If this needs to not be the case, then please discuss this with us in advance.
  • À la carte: We frown on À la carte pricing for classes, we prefer that people take the full set of classes so that we can let some classes stretch over 60/75 minutes and some classes to slip under. Let us know if you need to offer classes individually. This is especially important for Blues weekends in scenes that are new to Blues.
  • Class time: If class scheduling is done as a block for the entire day, make sure to leave time not just for hours taught, but for 15 min breaks every 60-75 minutes.

    Personally, we think it's great when classes start later, like noon or 1pm, but set the schedule as you need.


  • Filming is not permitted during class.
  • After class, we can do a short demo of class material for students to film.

Private Lessons

  • Dave may be available for private lessons, schedule permitting.


  • There should be a social dance (or at least a practice) on Saturday, though we'd be happy if there was also one on Sunday and even Friday as well.
  • Having a late dance on Saturday is great, as long as there is a transportation option for us to get home and to sleep. Late dances on Saturday should end at least 8 hours before class starts Sunday to avoid to much student attrition.
  • If you expect your teachers to social dance with the students then you shan't worry about us, as social dancing is our first priority (that's what it's all about, right?).
  • Dave is available for an hour or two of DJing, particularly in scenes that don't have access to regular Blues DJs.
  • It is likely that Dave will try to convince the students to have an after-hours party at least one of the nights. You may wish to clear out your living room furniture if you are so inclined. ;-)

Are you Primadonna's or something?

We're actually quite flexible, and at least it's not Iggy Pop's technical rider. - my narcissistic home page. It don't mean a thing..