Blues Dancing Shirts

By popular demand, we have some shirts available:

Ninja / Sleepy Kitten

(Front) (Back)
For those of you who have taken our Blues Mix class, no explanation is necessary. For those who haven't, consider hiring us to teach a Blues Workshop! Or maybe you just like Ninjas and Sleepy Kittens...
Many styles/colors available.

Ninja / Sleepy Kitten

The Ninja / Sleepy Kitten shirt with both on the front, ready to do battle!
Many styles/colors available.

Rather Be Doing..

I'd rather be doing..
A parody of a popular Bal shirt. Note that the printer I am using doesn't do a perfect job of printing on black shirts, unfortunately, so caveat emptor. The colors aren't quite as bright as I would have liked. You may want to try one of the light background shirts instead.
Many styles/colors available. - my narcissistic home page. It don't mean a thing..